Based in Whitefish, Montana
(406) 261-2788
Some sites are tougher than others...
Steep terrain is a challenge. Access can be a challenge. Soils and weather can be a challenge.
Some site constraints can be overcome with conventional equipment, additional time, and a high tolerance for risk. The Kaiser Mobil Walking Excavator - more commonly known as a spider - may offer you an alternative solution.
Utilizing a variety of implements & features, in conjunction with technology such as Leica 2D Grade Control and the Holp tiltrotator, we may be able to help move your project forward. Check out a few of our reviews.
We've provided excavation services for chairlift footings, buried power, water & data lines, and septic pressure mains.
We've performed material handling tasks such as "shovel logging" felled and wind thrown timber, placed precast and dry stack natural stone walls, and acted as a mid-slope transfer for material placement.
We have perfomed ski area mowing, as well as wildfire risk reduction by mulching/masticating small diameter materials.
We are now offering custom water features and recreation ponds in conjunction with our sister company, Glacier Aquascapes.
Give us a call or send us a note, we may have a solution that could make your next project a bit easier to complete.
Drop us a note and we'll get right back to you.